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Showroom Boats - 45 found
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Clayton Showroom
Antique Boat America.com is headquartered at 41444 State Route 12 in Clayton, New York, located conveniently by the 1000 Islands Bridge and the village of Clayton. The 20,000 square foot showroom offers the ideal environment to display antique and classic boats for sale and includes well known manufactures such as Chris Craft, Century, Garwood, Ditchburn, Riva, Dodge, Hacker, Hutchinson, Shepherd, Lyman and others.
We are located only minutes from Clayton, The Antique Boat Museum and the Antique and Classic Boat Society headquarters in order to make your visit a complete Antique Boat experience.
Located in the heart of the 1000 Islands, the Showroom offers 85+ boats for sale, allowing potential buyers to see a complete and vast array of boats at one time.

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